Qu’est-ce que la thérapie au laser froid ?

La thérapie au laser de faible intensité ou froide consiste à appliquer une lumière rouge et proche infrarouge sur des blessures ou des plaies pour améliorer la cicatrisation des tissus mous et soulager la douleur aiguë et chronique. La thérapie de bas niveau utilise l'énergie lumineuse laser froide (sous-thermique) pour diriger l'énergie lumineuse biostimulante vers les cellules du corps sans les blesser ou les endommager de quelque manière que ce soit. La thérapie est précise et précise et offre un traitement sûr et efficace pour une grande variété de conditions. La plage d'énergie de la lumière laser de bas niveau se situe entre 1 et 500 mW (milliwatts). Elle est également connue sous le nom de laser de bas niveau, laser doux ou laser de faible intensité.

Comment fonctionne la thérapie au laser froid ?

La « thérapie au laser froid » consiste à utiliser une énergie photonique laser de faible intensité de 650 nm ou 810 nm pour soulager la douleur et améliorer le processus de guérison/rajeunissement du corps. Les photons de la lumière laser peuvent exciter les cellules du corps en leur insufflant de l'énergie, les trois principales réactions étant la réduction de l'inflammation, la régénération cellulaire et l'augmentation du flux sanguin.

Quels sont les avantages de la thérapie au laser froid ?

Soulage la douleur aiguë et chronique, Réduit l'inflammation, Aide à générer des cellules et des tissus nouveaux et sains, Augmentation de la microcirculation, Augmentation de la réparation des tissus et des os, Augmentation de la réponse lymphatique

La thérapie au laser de faible intensité ne nécessite pas de traitements constants et continus, comme c'est souvent le cas avec les traitements chiropratiques ou physiothérapeutiques traditionnels. De nombreuses affections aiguës et chroniques peuvent être améliorées ou éliminées grâce à l’utilisation du laser.

Quelles sont les contre-indications de la thérapie au laser froid ?

Il est interdit d'utiliser l'appareil de thérapie au laser froid en cas de grossesse, de cancer et de maladies hémorragiques.

Quels sont les risques ou les effets secondaires de la thérapie au laser froid ?

Il ne s’agit pas d’une physiothérapie invasive, indolore, sans effet secondaire.

Quelles sont les indications de la thérapie au laser froid ?

Arthrose :
périarthrite scapulohumérale, ténosynovite, hernie discale lombaire, tennis elbow, arthrose cervicale, rhumatisme articulaire, goutte nécrose de la tête fémorale, douleur au genou, douleur cicatrisante, ecchymose articulaire chronique, éperon calcanéen, arthrose, lumbago aigu.

Maladie neurologique :
Prosopalgie, ischialgie, polynévrite périphérique, névralgie intercostale, névrose fémorale

Maladie inflammatoire :
pharyngite chronique, paradentite, gingivite, cholécystite, foulure chronique aiguë, entorse, inflammation par ecchymoses, névrodermite

Maladie vasculaire:
phlébite, vascularite, varicosité, les membres inférieurs sont des ulcères aigus et chroniques

Blessures sportives : déchirures musculaires, problèmes de tendons et de ligaments, blessures dues au surmenage, rééducation post-chirurgicale, douleurs aux genoux/chevilles et pieds, problèmes d'épaule, affections des pieds.

Combien de temps dure une séance de thérapie au laser pour les gens ?

Une séance de thérapie au laser dure généralement de quelques minutes à environ 15 à 30 minutes, selon l'affection spécifique à traiter et le type de laser utilisé. Si vous utilisez le laser Domer Laser haute intensité classe 4 980 nm 60 W, seulement 5 à 10 minutes par traitement laser. Tandis que si vous utilisez le laser portatif Domer Laser de faible intensité de classe 3B, vous devez prendre 10 à 30 minutes par traitement au laser.

De combien de séances de thérapie au laser ai-je besoin ?

Le nombre de séances nécessaires dépendra de l'affection spécifique à traiter, de sa gravité et de la réponse individuelle au traitement. Alors que certaines personnes peuvent ressentir un soulagement après seulement quelques séances, d’autres peuvent nécessiter plusieurs séances sur plusieurs semaines. Normalement, pour la douleur aiguë, les clients se sentiront mieux après 3 à 7 traitements au laser sur la base d'un traitement au laser de classe 3B. pour la douleur chronique, vous suivrez 5 à 14 traitements au laser pour obtenir de meilleurs résultats. Tandis que si vous utilisez le laser Domer Laser classe 4 980 nm 60 W, vous pouvez obtenir les résultats plus rapidement, avec seulement 1 à 3 traitements laser, vous vous sentirez mieux.

Can laser therapy be used for pain relief?

Yes, laser therapy is commonly used as an effective modality for pain relief in various acute and chronic pain conditions. By targeting inflamed or injured tissues, laser therapy helps to reduce pain perception, improve tissue healing, and restore normal function, thus providing significant relief for patients suffering from musculoskeletal, neuropathic, or inflammatory pain syndromes.

Is laser therapy effective for arthritis?

Yes, laser therapy has been shown to be beneficial for managing the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other arthritic conditions. By reducing inflammation, promoting tissue repair, and modulating pain signaling pathways, laser therapy can help improve joint mobility, reduce stiffness, and enhance overall quality of life for arthritis sufferers.

Can laser therapy help with wound healing?

Laser therapy can significantly aid in wound healing by accelerating the body's natural repair processes. By promoting cellular proliferation, collagen synthesis, and angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels), laser therapy enhances tissue regeneration, reduces healing time, and minimizes scar formation. It is particularly effective for chronic wounds, diabetic ulcers, pressure sores, and surgical incisions.

Is laser therapy FDA-approved?

Yes, laser therapy devices used for medical purposes are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Domer laser therapy devices have received FDA clearance and approval for specific medical indications, ensuring the safety and efficacy when used as intended by healthcare professionals.

Can laser therapy be used for hair loss?

Yes, laser therapy can be beneficial for treating hair loss conditions such as androgenetic alopecia (pattern baldness) and alopecia areata (spot baldness). Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) stimulates hair follicles, increases blood flow to the scalp, and promotes cellular metabolism, leading to improved hair growth, increased hair thickness, and reduced hair shedding over time. But you should choose the right laser for hair loss.

Is laser therapy suitable for treating sports injuries?

Yes, laser therapy is widely used in sports medicine for the management of acute and chronic sports-related injuries, such as strains, sprains, tendonitis, ligament injuries, and muscle tears. By promoting tissue repair, reducing inflammation, and relieving pain, laser therapy helps athletes recover faster, regain mobility, and return to sports activities more quickly.

What is the difference between cold laser therapy and hot laser therapy?

Cold laser therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), or hot laser therapy uses low-power lasers to stimulate cellular processes without generating significant heat. They are just thee different name, but the same treatment principles.

How does laser therapy compare to other pain relief treatments?

Laser therapy offers several advantages over traditional pain relief treatments, such as medications, injections, and surgery. It is non-invasive, drug-free, and typically associated with minimal side effects. Unlike medications, which may have systemic effects and potential adverse reactions, laser therapy targets specific tissues, providing localized pain relief and promoting tissue healing. Additionally, laser therapy can be used as a complementary or adjunctive treatment alongside other modalities to enhance pain management and accelerate recovery.

Does laser therapy help with nerve pain?

Yes, laser therapy can provide relief for nerve pain (neuropathy) by modulating pain signaling pathways, reducing inflammation, and promoting nerve regeneration. Laser therapy stimulates cellular repair processes within damaged nerves, improves blood flow to nerve tissues, and enhances the production of neurotrophic factors, which support nerve health and function. This can help alleviate symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness associated with neuropathic conditions.

Is laser therapy effective for treating TMJ disorders?

Yes, laser therapy can be beneficial for treating temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders by reducing pain, inflammation, and muscle tension in the jaw area. Laser therapy helps relax tight muscles, promote tissue healing, and improve joint mobility, leading to reduced TMJ-related symptoms such as jaw pain, clicking or popping noises, headaches, and difficulty chewing or opening the mouth.

How much does laser therapy cost?

The cost of laser therapy varies depending on factors such as the location, the type of laser used, the size and number of treatment areas, and the provider's expertise. In general, laser therapy sessions may range from $50 to $300 or more per session, with multiple sessions often recommended for optimal results. Some clinics may offer package deals or discounts for multiple treatments, and insurance coverage may be available for certain medical indications.

Is laser therapy covered by insurance?

Coverage for laser therapy depends on the specific medical indication and the patient's insurance plan. While some insurance plans may cover laser therapy for certain conditions, such as wound healing, pain management, or dermatological conditions, coverage may vary widely. Patients are advised to check with their insurance provider to determine coverage eligibility, preauthorization requirements, and any out-of-pocket costs associated with laser therapy treatments.

Can laser therapy be used for veterinary care?

Yes, laser therapy is widely used in veterinary medicine for the treatment of various medical and musculoskeletal conditions in animals. Veterinary laser therapy can help alleviate pain, promote tissue healing, reduce inflammation, and improve mobility in pets and livestock. It is commonly used for conditions such as arthritis, soft tissue injuries, post-operative recovery, wound healing, and dermatological conditions. Veterinary laser therapy is administered by trained veterinary professionals and is well-tolerated by animals.

Is laser therapy effective for carpal tunnel syndrome?

Yes, laser therapy can provide relief for symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) by reducing inflammation, relieving pain, and promoting tissue repair in the wrist and hand. Laser therapy helps decrease swelling and pressure on the median nerve, improves nerve function, and enhances blood flow to the affected area, leading to reduced pain, numbness, tingling, and improved hand function and grip strength.

How does laser therapy compare to acupuncture?

Laser therapy and acupuncture are both alternative therapies that aim to alleviate pain and promote healing, but they work through different mechanisms. Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into specific acupuncture points on the body to restore the flow of Qi (vital energy) and rebalance the body's energy meridians. In contrast, laser therapy uses focused light energy to stimulate cellular processes and promote tissue repair, reducing inflammation and pain perception. Both modalities have been shown to be effective for pain management and may be used alone or in combination for synergistic effects.

Is laser therapy suitable for treating plantar fasciitis?

Yes, laser therapy can be an effective treatment option for plantar fasciitis, a common cause of heel pain characterized by inflammation and microtears in the plantar fascia ligament. Laser therapy helps reduce inflammation, promote tissue repair, and alleviate pain in the plantar fascia and surrounding tissues. By stimulating cellular regeneration and improving blood flow to the affected area, laser therapy can help accelerate healing, improve mobility, and reduce symptoms such as heel pain and stiffness associated with plantar fasciitis. Domer Laser will supply you the professional laser therapy protocols for plantar fasciitis.

Can laser therapy be used for treating sinusitis?

Laser therapy may be used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for sinusitis, a condition characterized by inflammation and congestion of the sinus passages. Laser therapy can help reduce inflammation, improve nasal drainage, and alleviate symptoms such as nasal congestion, facial pain, and sinus pressure. By targeting inflamed tissues and promoting tissue healing, laser therapy can provide relief for acute and chronic sinusitis, particularly when combined with other treatments such as nasal irrigation, medications, and lifestyle modifications.

Does laser therapy help with fibromyalgia pain?

Yes, laser therapy can provide relief for symptoms of fibromyalgia, a chronic pain disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tender points. Laser therapy helps reduce pain perception, improve muscle function, and enhance overall well-being in fibromyalgia patients. By stimulating cellular repair processes, reducing inflammation, and promoting relaxation of muscle tension, laser therapy can help alleviate fibromyalgia symptoms and improve quality of life for affected individuals.