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Common Questions and Answers
1. What is the Domer Laser Affiliate Program?
The Domer Laser Program invites review sites, online communities, bloggers, and other content website owners to promote products and services on their sites and earn commission on the sales they refer to Domer Laser
2. How do I earn commission?
Step 1: Apply for the affiliate program and sign up as an affiliate or a publisher.
Step 2: Receive our links, promote them, and watch your commission roll in.
3. Can a publisher promote any page on your site?
Our team provides links to relevant promotions, product list pages, brand pages, and product detail pages. Through the related affiliate networks and their tool suite, as well as other 3rd party affiliate tools, publishers can create custom links to any URL on Domer Laser they find relevant for their web content.
4. Can publishers post Domer Laser page copy on their site?
You can post any content distributed to affiliates through our product data feed. On a case-by-case basis you will be allowed to use Domer Laser copy, images, etc. Please reach out to the acting program manager for more information.