Mls laser

The Difference between MLS Laser Therapy and Domer Laser Class 4 Laser

How does MLS Class 4 Laser Therapy work?

Multiwave Locked System® (MLS) Laser Therapy is a non-invasive, safe, and effective treatment modality where light relieves pain, reduces inflammation, and promotes wound healing and soft tissue repair. The innovative and patented MLS Therapy Laser was developed in an effort to produce a highly effective and simultaneous effect on inflammation and pain, exceeding the limitations of traditional laser therapy. MLS technology offers therapeutic wavelengths, the anti-endemic and anti-inflammatory 808nm wavelengths, and the analgesic 905nm ones. When delivering these wavelengths, an energetic synergy is produced which has stronger anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects than either can produce on its own and can minimize the risk of thermal damage at the same time. It is this special combination and synchronization of continuous and pulsed emissions that makes MLS different from other Class IV lasers. When absorbed by the body, these wavelengths of light can promote a cascade of cellular activity, such as igniting enzyme production, stimulating mitochondrial and ATP synthesis, increasing vasodilation and lymphatic drainage, and elevating collagen-forming substances to prevent scar tissue formation. Unlike earlier Class IV technologies, MLS Laser Therapy is capable of delivering controlled laser energy. This unique feature provides a more precise delivery of the treatment dose, which means constant and repeatable results. With a higher level of safety, efficacy, and consistency, MLS laser therapy can help numerous people relieve pain and restore their lives. The FDA-cleared Class IV technology is now the most advanced laser therapy system available on the market.

Class 4 Laser Therapy benefits


Class 4 laser therapy has great clinical benefits, the most prominent of which is its effective anti-inflammatory effect. The energy of the MLS laser is able to accelerate intercellular activity and speed up recovery by entering damaged cells. MLS laser therapy can also help eliminate inflammation-induced swelling by causing vasodilation and activating the lymphatic drainage system.

Accelerated Tissue Repair and Cell Growth:

Class 4 laser therapy allows damaged cells to recover quickly. The energy of the MLS laser penetrates deep into the tissues and helps the cells absorb nutrients faster, thus promoting cell reproduction and growth.

Improved Nerve Function:

Class 4 laser therapy is very effective in improving nerve cells. The slow recovery of nerve function in damaged cells may lead to numbness and limb impairment. However, MLS lasers allow nerve cells to reconnect in a more quick manner and promote muscle healing by increasing the amplitude of their action potentials.

Trigger Points and Acupuncture Points:

Muscle trigger points and acupuncture points can be stimulated through Class 4 laser therapy in a non-invasive way, resulting in safe and effective relief of muscle and bone pain.


Class 4 lasers can stimulate immunoglobulins and lymphocytes and directly affect the immune system. As we all know, ATP is the direct and important source of energy for living organisms. Through exposure to the MLS laser, the enzyme flavomononucleotide is activated and begins to produce ATP.

Faster wound healing:

Class 4 Laser Fibroblasts play a very important role in restoring different degrees of cell degeneration, necrosis, and tissue defects, as well as bone wounds, as they can produce proteins such as collagen to fill the tissue defects and accelerate the wound healing process. Laser therapy is able to stimulate the production of fibroblasts in damaged tissues, so MLS laser therapy is considered useful in treating wounds and burns after the operation.

Reduced Fibrous Tissue Formation:

Class 4 Laser Therapy rapidly restores the structural integrity of the injured skin, which means it helps prevent scar tissues from taking shape following the damage caused by surgeries, burns, cuts, etc.

Increases Metabolic Activity:

The cell is the basic unit for metabolic activities. Each cell draws energy and substances from the surrounding environment and carries out various chemical changes inside, which are catalyzed by enzymes. Class 4 laser therapy provides more enzymes and oxygen to blood cells and thus speeds up metabolism.

Improved Vascular Activity:

Class 4 Lasers can greatly advance the formation of new capillaries in damaged tissues, thus accelerating wound healing, rapidly sealing the wounds, and reducing the formation of scar tissues. In addition, lasers can also contribute to angiogenesis, causing temporary dilation of blood vessels and increases in blood vessel diameter.


Class 4 laser therapy can reduce nerve sensitivity by blocking the transmission of pain from nerve cells to the brain. Also, reduced inflammation can lead to decreased edema and pain relief. In addition, through MLS laser therapy, large amounts of analgesic chemicals like endorphins and enkephalins are produced from the brain and adrenal glands to ease the pain. 

The Difference between MLS Class 4 laser and Domer Class 4 Laser 

A brief introduction of MLS Class laser and Domer Class 4 Laser

The MLS Class 4 laser uniquely uses two lasers at once, simultaneously, and synchronized. One laser relieves pain, and the other reduces swelling and inflammation. It has two wavelengths: 808 nanometers and 905 nanometers. These two wavelengths are in the infrared spectrum and are invisible to the eyes. The 808 wavelength is helpful for inflation and is long-lasting. The 905 wavelength helps reduce pain and is fast-acting. They are very effective when used together.

Domer Class 4 laser, also known as photobiomodulation, is a form of light therapy that uses the laser in the infrared and visible spectrums to produce healing effects in the body. Class 4 lasers have a handpiece that is either placed directly on the skin or kept a few centimeters away from the skin to transmit the laser to the injured area. Each handpiece has several diodes that produce light of varying power and wavelengths, including 810 nm, 980 nm, and 1064 nm. Laser light photons enter cells and bring chemical changes to them to stimulate the natural healing process.

A comparison table of MLS Class 4 laser and Domer Class 4 Laser  


MLS Class 4 laser

Domer Class 4 Laser

Laser type

Not Sure

Best German Brand Class 4 Gallium-Aluminum-Arsenide GaAlAs laser


808 nm and 905 nm

980 nm /810nm (you can request additional lasers with a little extra payment)

Operating modes

Combination of continuous and pulsed emissions

Pulse, single, continuous


More than 30,000 dollars

5999 dollars only



Class 4 laser therapy is a pain-free and drug-free solution for your pain and inflammation-related problems. It has helped millions of people relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and restore blood circulation by increasing ATP synthesis and initiating natural healing processes within cells. Domer laser therapy equipment is a very effective tool you should consider for your laser therapy needs. Its laser is of high quality and produces fast results. Unlike other laser devices, the Domer laser is available at very reasonable rates. Its incredible features, one-year warranty, and after-sale services make it worth purchasing.

FAQ of Class 4 Laser Therapy

Why choose Class 4 laser therapy?

Class 4 laser therapy excludes the use of drugs or surgery, has no known side effects, and is effective, convenient, and fast. It has been proven successful, as evidenced by extensive and credible studies conducted at Harvard University and many other institutions.

What is Class 4 laser therapy used for?

Class 4 Laser Therapy effectively treats pain and inflammation associated with many conditions, including plantar fasciitis, neuromas, neuropathies, arthritis, Sports injuries, tendon & ligament injuries, back & joint pain, muscle sprains & strains, tendonitis, wounds, post-surgical swelling, disc disease, etc.

How is the treatment done? 

The laser is fully robotic and placed 8 inches above the skin, allowing the healing energy to get into the tissues, where it interacts with various intracellular biomolecules, leading to the restoration of normal cell function. It can also advance the natural healing processes in the body. In nature, light energy is converted into biochemical energy.

Will the treatment hurt?

No, Class 4 laser therapy involves no pain. There is little or no feeling during treatment.

How much time is a typical treatment session?

A typical treatment session usually takes 10 to 15 minutes, but it also depends on the size of the wounds. One usually receives the treatments 2-3 times a week, which are determined by personal circumstances.

How long does it take to feel the results?

You may feel improvement in symptoms after 1 to 3 treatments. For some chronic conditions, it may need about 6 treatments to enjoy the benefits of laser therapy. However, not everyone reacts to laser therapy in the same manner.

Are the effects lasting?

Class 4 Laser Therapy is carried out to heal. With class 4 Laser Therapy, we are not covering a condition, but rather, treating your pain and inflammation in a fundamental way. Based on that, many patients have seen long-term effects.

What Is the Class 4 Laser Therapy Price?

Class 4 Laser Therapy is not covered by insurance, and payment is due at the time of treatment. The cost of MLS Laser Therapy is $50 per treatment. If you visit your doctor in the office and have a diagnosis to determine whether the treatment is right for you, you will be required to pay the regular doctor visit fee, which is separate from the cost of Class 4 Laser Therapy.

Can Class 4 Laser Therapy be used with other forms of treatment?

Yes, Class 4 Laser Therapy is sometimes more effective when used in combination with other forms of therapy, including physical therapy, spinal massage, soft tissue mobilization, electrotherapy, and so on.

What Can I Expect During Treatment?

Under Class 4 Laser Therapy, you may experience a soothing, warm sensation at the point of application; this identifies the beginning of an 18 to the 24-hour process of modulated cellular activity, leading to decreased inflammation and pain. Some patients say they feel a comfortable warm sensation, while others say they feel nothing at all. Most importantly, there is no pain or uncomfortable feeling experienced during or after the treatment.

What Can I Expect After Treatment?

Most people can see positive results in 1 to 3 treatments, with the average course of treatment being 12 to 14 sessions. Reductions of swelling and pain will occur rapidly. Acute conditions tend to recover quickly within about one phase of treatments, while chronic conditions can only be controlled with regular treatments. The effects of Class 4 Laser Therapy are cumulative; therefore, you can expect to see improvement as you proceed through your treatment plan at Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center. It is important to complete the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor once it has been started, or symptoms are likely to recur.

How Do I Know If Class 4 Laser Therapy Is Right for Me?

Class 4 Laser Therapy treats a number of painful conditions and foot problems, such as neuropathy and nerve pain, tendon and ligament injuries, sore muscles, muscle strains, and tears, degenerative joint conditions, general pain and bruising, musculoskeletal disorders, pre and post-surgical treatments and inflammatory problems. If any of these problems are affecting you and your feet, speak with your podiatrist at Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center. This treatment might be the answer you have been seeking. Class 4 Laser Therapy can help result in rapid pain relief, timely healing of sprains and strains, fast recovery of the structural integrity of an injured region, speedy resolution of swollen areas, immediate improvement of local blood circulation, swift repair of superficial injuries such as wounds and ulcers and can have a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

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